3 questions, 3 answers with Marie Shira Weißer – #xustudentlife

It was important to me to look for studies, that help me develop my skills further and also give me a good opportunity to later work in digital jobs that have a future. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Raphael, student of Digital Marketing and Social Media. With the […]
Student Marie Shira Weißer
letztes Update: 01/20/2020

It was important to me to look for studies, that help me develop my skills further and also give me a good opportunity to later work in digital jobs that have a future.

3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Raphael, student of Digital Marketing and Social Media. With the Hashtag #xustudentlife, our students will also be giving insights into their student lives in our Instagram story in the coming months. In the next two weeks, it will be Shira, Bella and Kenan.

Why did you choose XU?

I was really interested in the courses the XU offered and it was important to me to be seen and encouraged as an individual and not to be a number on a paper. I also think it gives me an advantage for the digital future, that is ahead of us, in comparison to other students of economics.  

Why did you choose your course of studies?

It was important to me to look for studies, that help me develop my skills further and also give me a good opportunity to later work in digital jobs that have a future. Digital Marketing and Social Media is a course I’ve never seen at any other universities. So I was excited to be a part of something new and future oriented. 

What was important to you when choosing your place to study?

That it was goal and future oriented and that I would have a great chance to work in the field I want later on. 

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