What can IoT do besides Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant?
Nowadays, everyone knows Siri, Alexa and Co, but what is behind the big picture of the Internet of Things (IoT – “Internet of Things”) besides funny voice assistants and smart light bulbs? For the time being, IoT only means that physical and virtual objects are linked and can communicate with each other. This offers great advantages, especially in industry, since, for example, the MQTT protocol (“Message Queuing Telemetry Transport”) can be used to collect large amounts of data from sensors and evaluate it in real time. In this way, problems can be quickly identified and solved. In addition to industry, IoT is also finding application in smart cities, where similar technologies are being used for intelligent lighting control, waste management, and parking optimization.

Lost in Space? Normality for us during the lunch break.

At three VR stations on campus, you can experience live what it means to dive into virtual reality. In the meantime, VR is no longer used for pure entertainment, but has found real-world applications. For example, buildings can be planned and inspected in 3D in advance. But VR can also be helpful in the training of doctors, for example. In addition, the police and military use VR to provide real-world impressions during training and improve training quality.
Besides these real-world applications, it’s also fun to fly over the world in Google Earth or put your sense of rhythm to the test in the gameBeat Saber.
Lost in Space? Normality for us during the lunch break.
At three VR stations on campus, you can experience live what it means to dive into virtual reality. In the meantime, VR is no longer used for pure entertainment, but has found real-world applications. For example, buildings can be planned and inspected in 3D in advance. But VR can also be helpful in the training of doctors, for example. In addition, the police and military use VR to provide real-world impressions during training and improve training quality.
Besides these real-world applications, it’s also fun to fly over the world in Google Earth or put your sense of rhythm to the test in the gameBeat Saber.

We are Industry 4.0 ready!
With the fourth generation of industry, industrial production is to be digitized and linked with current communication and information technologies. This includes, for example, the integration of modern machines, robots and sensors. However, the focus should be on the exchange of data in order to be able to optimize not only individual production steps but entire value chains.
At XU, you can gain your first experience controlling a modern robotic arm and get a sneak peak into the manufacturing processes of the future.

We are Industry 4.0 ready!

With the fourth generation of industry, industrial production is to be digitized and linked with current communication and information technologies. This includes, for example, the integration of modern machines, robots and sensors. However, the focus should be on the exchange of data in order to be able to optimize not only individual production steps but entire value chains.
At XU, you can gain your first experience controlling a modern robotic arm and get a sneak peak into the manufacturing processes of the future.
More than two dimensions are nothing new for you?
At XU, we mostly use our 3D printer for “rapid prototyping” and can get haptic results quickly. This has great advantages, especially in methods such as design thinking, because it allows you to approach the best possible solution step by step. By printing with multiple filaments, you can use multiple colors, or use water soluble filament to achieve even more complex shapes.
In addition to rapid prototyping, 3D printing is also used in completely different areas. Houses have already been built out of concrete with giant printers, or chocolate has been molded into the wildest shapes.