3 questions, 3 answers with Moritz Winkelmann – #xustudentlife

I enjoy the aspect that the learning is happening in smaller groups, enabling discussions and other more direct and personal interactions. The relationship between the students and teachers is closer.  3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Moritz, student of Digital Marketing and Social Media. With the Hashtag #xustudentlife, our students will also […]
Student Moritz Winkelmann
letztes Update: 01/13/2020

I enjoy the aspect that the learning is happening in smaller groups, enabling discussions and other more direct and personal interactions. The relationship between the students and teachers is closer. 

3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Moritz, student of Digital Marketing and Social Media. With the Hashtag #xustudentlife, our students will also be giving insights into their student lives in our Instagram story in the coming months. In the next two weeks, it will be Moritz, Raphael, Ronan and Vincent.

Why did you choose XU?

Mainly I chose the XU because of the future relevancy that the university brings. As the digitalization is taking over the industries and basically our lifes, this topic gets more important day by day. The potential is rapidly growing! 

I enjoy the aspect that the learning is happening in smaller groups, enabling discussions and other more direct and personal interactions. The relationship between the students and teachers is closer.  

What also impresses me is the amount of guest lectures. Managers and start-up creators come to the uni to share their experience. On one side we get to know the thinking process of different successful people. On the other side we make contacts that can be crucial in business life. 

Why did you choose your course of studies?

I must admit that social media fascinates me. Me, using the app on a daily basis to communicate with friends and get to know new people and trends. Apart from that, the opportunities amaze me. Most of the products are advertised on these websites. I find it highly interesting how much power advertising has, e.g. “Cambridge Analytica“. 

What was important to you when choosing your place to study?

For me it’s important that the course focusses on social media. I want to be able to analyze and evaluate the behavior of people on social media websites or to be able to found a business or a start-up myself. It’s important for me to not only learn the theory itself but also adapt skills that will benefit my future business life. 

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