3 questions, 3 answers with Raphael Verfürth – #xustudentlife

The XU is characterizing through small learning groups and close relations between teachers and students, by what the instructions are way deeper and intense. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Raphael, student of Digital Marketing and Social Media. With the Hashtag #xustudentlife, our students will also be giving insights into their […]
Student Raphael Verfürth
letztes Update: 01/13/2020

The XU is characterizing through small learning groups and close relations between teachers and students, by what the instructions are way deeper and intense.

3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Raphael, student of Digital Marketing and Social Media. With the Hashtag #xustudentlife, our students will also be giving insights into their student lives in our Instagram story in the coming months. In the next two weeks, it will be Raphael, Ronan, Moritz and Vincent.

Why did you choose XU?

The XU seemed like a very modern and advanced university to me. I’ve got a notion that this is a place where new ways of thinking are welcome.  
The XU is characterizing through small learning groups and close relations between teachers and students, by what the instructions are way deeper and intense.

Why did you choose your course of studies?

I’m very interested in Social Media and the development through Digitalization in our world. It’s a modern course with young tutors thereby the relation is kind of different than normal classes, in a positive way. Apart from that advertisement is all around you and being able to use it by yourself is amazing. 

What was important to you when choosing your place to study?

For me it’s important to have a good balance between theoretical and active classes. 

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