“Study in Germany” – our tips for foreign students

“Study in Germany” – our tips for foreign students

Many young people around the world dream of studying at a German university or college. In this blog article, you’ll find out everything about “Study in Germany” – and what you need to be able to study at a German university or college. Many...
3 questions, 3 answers with Niklas Buchwitz

3 questions, 3 answers with Niklas Buchwitz

The future of work will no longer consist of performing a monotonous activity over a long period of time. For this reason I wanted to study at a university that doesn’t just go with the future, but that also offers to learn to shape the future. 3 questions, 3...
3 questions, 3 answers with Jonas Waterstraat

3 questions, 3 answers with Jonas Waterstraat

XU focuses its attention on practical learning, talking and working together, discussing problems instead of just listening and taking notes. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Jonas, student of Coding and Software Engineering. With the...
3 questions, 3 answers with Kai Vicente

3 questions, 3 answers with Kai Vicente

At XU, for example, it’s quite different. We are a small cohort where you know fellow students and you can always reach your lecturers. You feel like you’re studying together, not alone. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Kai,...

How to finance your studies

Are you wondering how to finance your studies in times of the Coronavirus? Are BAföG, student loans or scholarships an option for you? Especially now in times of the corona crisis you may ask yourself what possibilities there are to finance your studies. Our...
3 questions, 3 answers with Lennart Schmidt

3 questions, 3 answers with Lennart Schmidt

The direct contact to leading experts from business, technology & research offers enormous opportunities, so that the students can already build up a relevant network during their studies. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Lennart,...