3 questions, 3 answers with Felix Geberding – #xustudentlife

It was important to me that you have the opportunity to specialize in areas that are of particular interest to you. I did not want a university where digitization is only on the flag, but one where it is on the agenda. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Vincent, […]
XU student Felix
letztes Update: 02/03/2020

It was important to me that you have the opportunity to specialize in areas that are of particular interest to you. I did not want a university where digitization is only on the flag, but one where it is on the agenda.

3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Vincent, student of Coding and Software Engineering. With the Hashtag #xustudentlife, our students will also be giving insights into their student lives in our Instagram story in the coming months. In the next two weeks, it will be Felix, Anita, Viktor and Benjamin.

Why did you choose XU?

For me, the direction of my degree course had been clear for some time. I had looked at numerous colleges, but none could really convince me. Although they all offered computer science, I usually felt like the entire substance is obsolete after leaving the college due to lack of practical application or outdated content. That was not the case with the XU. It offered me the chance to understand the digitized world without losing track while studying, due to the rapid development process. The possibility of a semester abroad and teaching in English was also very appealing to me. 

Why did you choose your course of studies?

I have always found computers and their rapid development interesting. Everything moved past me fascinatingly fast. That should change. I don’t want it to move past me, but with me. I want to understand digital development, its possibilities, and its background as well as to contribute to it, thus solving real problems of our society. 

What was important to you when choosing your place to study?

To get an overview of the work of web and app designers who are actually working in their profession, not tales of professors who studied 30 years ago and have always been teaching the same thing ever since.  It was also important to me that you have the opportunity to specialize in areas that are of particular interest to you. I did not want a university where digitization is only on the flag, but one where it is on the agenda. 

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