3 questions, 3 answers with Kai Vicente

At XU, for example, it’s quite different. We are a small cohort where you know fellow students and you can always reach your lecturers. You feel like you’re studying together, not alone. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Kai, student of Digital Marketing. With the Hashtag #xustudentlife, our students […]
3 questions, 3 answers - Kai Vicente
letztes Update: 11/04/2019

At XU, for example, it’s quite different. We are a small cohort where you know fellow students and you can always reach your lecturers. You feel like you’re studying together, not alone.

3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Kai, student of Digital Marketing. With the Hashtag #xustudentlife, our students will also be giving insights into their student lives in our Instagram story in the coming months. In the next two weeks, it will be Kai, Niklas, Jonas and Niclas.

Why did you choose XU?

After my Abitur in July 2018 I decided to go abroad. This gave me a little break between school and university. When I was looking for a suitable university, it was especially important to me that the new thinking was transmitted there. I found the XU during my research on the internet. Germany’s first university for digitisation and technology – I directly knew that I wanted to be a part of this. A part of something new.

Why did you choose your course of studies?

During my time abroad, I first noticed that television advertising in many countries is very different from ours in Europe. Later I also noticed differences in supermarkets and shops, from product placement to product design and pricing. At some point I began to analyze every form of advertising, from TV and online advertising to billboards and advertising pillars, and tried to explain why they chose this concept. At some point it was clear to me that this was the area I was most interested in in business. Therefore, it quickly became clear to me which course of studies I would choose.

What was important to you when choosing your place to study?

I always knew that I wanted to study at a private university, because in a normal university you sit in overcrowded lecture halls and are on your own. You’re just one of many and the lecturers don’t even know your name. At XU, for example, it’s quite different. We are a small cohort where you know fellow students and you can always reach your lecturers. You feel like you’re studying together, not alone.

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