The countdown has started! The final exams and oral exams are just around the corner. Do you feel ready and well prepared? It’s not yet too late to start your exam preparation and even in the current exceptional Covid19 situation, there are many opportunities to...
Above all, the mixture of programming, computer science, project management and business management inspired me to study Coding and Software Engineering. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Niclas, student of Coding and Software Engineering....
I enjoy the aspect that the learning is happening in smaller groups, enabling discussions and other more direct and personal interactions. The relationship between the students and teachers is closer. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU,...
Career and studies in one – in times of a highly competitive job market, more and more young people are deciding to take part in diverse (further) education. This is quite understandable, because a dual course of study is an opportunity to acquire important...
The XU is one of the few possibilities to enjoy a modern and practice-oriented education that prepares you for the challenges of the future. 3 questions, 3 answers to the students of XU, this time with Annika, student of Digital Marketing and Social Media. With the...