Prof. Dr. Maren Borkert

Fachgebiete: Digital Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

„Not many people like to move out of their comfort zone, yet this is where the magic and learning happens ????“


2015-2017: Marie Skłodowska Curie Experienced Researcher an der TU Berlin 

2001-2007: Promotion (Dr. rer. pol.) an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg 

2002-2003: Marie Slodowska Curie Pre-Doctoral Researcher bei Universitá degli Studi di Padova (IT) 

2001-2003: European PhD in Migration, Diversity and Identities bei Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao (ES)


Seit 2020: Professor für Digital Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vice President Research bei XU Exponential University

2015-2020: Habilitant, Assistant Professor am Centre for Entrepreneurship der TU Berlin 

2010-2014: University Assistant Post-Doc an der Universität Wien

2008-2010: Research Officer am International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) 

2007-2008: Research Assistant an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg 


Adoption of (Disruptive) Technologies, Business Model Innovation, Equal Participation, (Algorithmic) Governance, Start-Up Development & Growth, Sustainability


Fairwork Germany Project: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy. See all reports here.

Lammers, T. & Cetindamar, D. & Borkert, M.: A Digital Tale of Two Cities – Observing the Dynamics of the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystems in Berlin and Sydney (2021), in: Artikel, Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 19, doi:10.3390/su131910564  

Borkert, M. & Fisher, K. & Yafi, E. : ‘The Best, The Worst and Hardest To Find: How People, Mobiles And Social Media Connect Migrants In(to) Europe’  (2018), in: Artikel, Social Media & Society, Special Issue ‘Forced migration and digital connectivity in(to) Europe, SAGE  

Research-Policy Dialogues in Austria (2015), in: Research-policy dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe, Springer  

Zincone, Giovanna; Rinus Pennin; Borkert, Maren: Migration Policymaking in Europe. The Dynamics of Actors and Contexts in Past and Present (2011), in: Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press

Borkert, Maren: Integration von Zuwanderern in Italien. Gesetzliche Grundlagen, politische Akteure und die Umsetzung integrationspolitischer Maßnahmen am Beispiel der Emilia-Romagna (2007), in: VS Verlag Wiesbaden   



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